By: Sri Mulyani Azizah, S.Pd (Vice Head Caretaker for Santriwati MBS Bumiayu)

Speech of the Head of the Brebes Regency Education and Sports Office

MBS Bumiayu Brebes – Curious about the progress and achievements that have been made by the MBS (Muhammadiyah Boarding School) Islamic Boarding School in the southern region, the Head of the Brebes Regency Education Office, Caridah, M.Pd today, (Wednesday, 5 October 2022) conducted a working visit to the Muhammadiyah Pontren which is located in Kauman Hamlet/north of the Great Mosque of Bumiayu (https://pwmjateng.com/penasaran-dengan-mbs-bumiayu-kepala-dinas-pendidikan-kabupaten-brebes-lakukan-kunjungan/).

The delegation from the Brebes Education Office was received directly by the Mudir (Director) of MBS Bumiayu (Sutriyono, S.Ag) accompanied by the Chair of the Bumiayu PCM Educational Education Council (Drs. Shodiqun), Secretary of BPP (Suedi, S.Ag, M.Pd) Head of MBS Bumiayu Middle School (Drs. H. Muhtadi), Head of MBS Bumiayu High School (M.Faqih Mahtuh, S.Ag), Chairman of the Muhammadiyah Bumiayu Branch Leader (H.Kusen), Deputy Mudir (Utsman Arif Fatkhah, Lc, S.Pd.I, M.Pd) ), Head of the sarpras section  (Masrukhi, BE) ), Manajerial of supervisor the Brebes Regency Education and Sports Office (Drs. Trio Yugo Prabowo, M.Pd) along with the entire Asatidz board, teachers and employees of the Islamic Islamic Boarding School, which has been running for 7 years for the junior high school level and 3 years for the high school level, said Muhtadi (http://www.tablighmu.or.id/2022/10/kunjungan-kerja-kepala-dinas-pendidikan.html).

MBS Bumiayu Mudir Office

Caridah, M.Pd as the Head of the Brebes Regency Education Office, initially felt very curious about the existence of MBS Bumiayu, which was originally built by one donor and its contents. He was even more curious about the achievements of the Muhammadiyah Islamic Boarding School in its working area with its achievements that have helped raise the name of Brebes in the national arena (https://pwmjateng.com/penasaran-dengan-mbs-bumiayu-kepala-dinas-pendidikan-kabupaten-brebes-lakukan-kunjungan/).

When he arrived at the Bumiayu MBS location, which was on Jalan KH.Sabrawi No.5 Dusun Kauman, Bumiayu Village, or to be precise, to the north of the Great Mosque of Bumiayu Caridah, he was very impressed by the lively welcome of Muhammadiyah residents and even more heroic, the welcome of around 413 students who greeted him lightly happy.

Therefore, when he gave speeches and briefings in the pesantren yard, he advised that every santri must always be diligent and diligent in studying because studying in a boarding school which is full 24 hours with intensive escort and guidance from the asatid council and the teacher council, it is not surprising that a good boarding school This can print several generations of gold who have memorized the Qur’an, both those who have come out and those who are still studying at MBS (https://suaramuhammadiyah.id/2022/10/07/cinderamata-istimewa-mbs-bumiayu-untuk-kepala-dinas-pendidikan/).

Kadin further emphasized that MBS Bumiayu is a superior educational institution that combines religious and general knowledge, so he really hopes that MBS can become one of the educational institutions that can participate in increasing the HDI (Human Development Index)  which is still weak and still far from expectations (http://www.tablighmu.or.id/2022/10/kunjungan-kerja-kepala-dinas-pendidikan.html).

Special Souvenir For The Head Of The Brebes Regency Education And Sports Office

Therefore, the Brebes Regency Education Office needs to appreciate and express its highest gratitude to the big family of MBS Bumiayu for all their efforts and movements to participate in advancing education in Brebes Regency.

The direction and expectations of Kadin were then responded to by Mudir MBS Bumiayu, Ustadz Sutriyono, who emphasized that this pesantren-based educational institution was founded in 2015 consisting of students at the junior high and high school levels.

Continue to work hard to help strengthen the HDI through pesantren education. As a sign of gratitude for Kadin’s visit and motivation, MBS Bumiayu gave a souvenir in the form of a student’s work in the form of calligraphy, in the hope that we can continue to strengthen our relationship with the education office (https://mdindonesia.id/istimewa-cinderamata-mbs-bumiayu-untuk-kepala-dinas-pendidikan).

In essence, MBS Bumiayu prioritizes the formation of the character of students by strengthening several skills such as Tahsin and Tahfidz Qur’an which is strengthened by the annual cycle. We take other skills through activities such as Bela Diri Tapak Suci (TS), Kepanduan Hizbul Wahton (HW), PMR, Archery, Swimming, Fulsal, Cooking Food, Calligraphy Studios, Muhadlarah, Daurah Tahfizh Qur’an, Hadroh Groups, Mentoring Superior seeds with achievement development and so on (https://news.schmu.id/cinderamata-istimewa-mbs-bumiayu-untuk-kepala-dinas-pendidikan/).

Speech of the Mudir MBS Bumiayu

Ustadz Utsman as the caregiver emphasized that this year there were already two students who hafidz 20-25 juz, in addition to several other achievements. The previous year there were several students who had 30 juz hafidz and on average within a period of 3 years at the junior high school level, MBS Bumiayu students could at least hafidz 6 juz and on average it could reach 10-20 juz (https://suaramuhammadiyah.id/2022/10/07/cinderamata-istimewa-mbs-bumiayu-untuk-kepala-dinas-pendidikan/).

Therefore, Utsman informed that the new MBS Bumiayu Santri Admission for the 2023/2024 academic year batch 1 has been opened and begins with the registration period from September 16 to December 16, 2022.

The Deputy Mudir of MBS invited all members of the organization and the general public everywhere who wanted their sons to go to school with chili sauce, they could choose MBS Bumiayu as one of the media to help promote the cadre of scholars and intellectuals such as the slogan: “Caderization of Qur’ani Ulama” (https://mdindonesia.id/istimewa-cinderamata-mbs-bumiayu-untuk-kepala-dinas-pendidikan).

Caderization of Qur’ani Ulama MBS Bumiayu

For people who want to become students at MBS Bumiayu for both junior high and high school levels, they can register online or offline. For those who want to go online, they can immediately register via the site https://bit.ly/form_mbs and for those who register offline can go directly to the location of MBS Bumiayu which is on Jalan KH.Sabrawi No. 5 Kauman Hamlet Rt 03/I Bumiayu Village, Bumiayu District, Brebes, Central Java 52273 (to see the location more clearly, click https://bit.ly/maps_mbs).

As for the existence of MBS Bumiayu, please visit our site at https://ppmbsbumiayu.ponpes.id/. For more information regarding PSB 2023 MBS Bumiayu, please contact Ustadz Abdul Aziz Nurrohman, M.Pd (0852-2722-7205), he stressed.

Editor: Tarkum, SHI., M.Pd (Tim Media dan Human Relation MBS Bumiayu)